Thursday 3 May 2012

The Curious Incident of the Fox in the Daytime

I say curious, I mean ridiculous and morbid. If I were to sum up this afternoon's events with sound effects, I would do so like this:

'Duhduhduhduh! BEEP! Scree! Eurgh! Grruhhh... Ding! Tap Tap Tap. Ahhhhhhhhh. Oh.'
Interpret that how you will.

Today I had to venture towards the dentist to get a check up on how those bits of enamel in my mouth are doing. We were innocently driving along, listening to the wonderful 'Tied Up Too Tight' by Hard-Fi (see today's song of the day) when we see the fox.

I say the fox not a fox because this particular fox is quite well known in our household. He's got this weird gap of hair in his tail and he waltzes about like he owns the place- he literally stands in the middle of the road and just stares at you with his big foxy eyes. So I decided to name him Spartacus because apparently Spartacus was one of history's rebels, although I simply lack the conviction to look him up.

So we saw Spartacus by the side of the road, and we all look at him and recognise him and mum tries to scare him off by beeping the car's horn. Now, I'm not precisely sure why she did this, her only pretence was 'to scare him off' but I like to think it's so he doesn't hurt our cat or eat our rubbish or something.

But Spartacus doesn't stand for any of this horn beeping mallarky! How dare someone beep their horn at him! He is a champion among foxes! A foxes' fox! A fox for all foxes! A fox throughout the ages! A foxy weapon! Fox Impossible! Fox Impossible 2! Fox Redemption! The Foxinator!

Sorry... I lost my train of thought there...

Oh yes, so Spartacus decided he was going to rebel, he was going to stare that hunk of metal hurtling down the road full in the face and-

Well, the hunk of metal sort of won...

RIP Spartacus...

So then we continued to the dentist, who is pretty much up on my list of least favourite things alongside talkative hairdressers and cheesecake. My dentist has pearly whites to match Tom Cruise, looking at his teeth is like looking into the sun.  So he poked about in my mouth which I did not enjoy.

I'm not exactly sure what the moral of today's blog was. I'm not even sure why there has to be a moral.
'Don't beep at foxes and dentists just want you to have braces so they can buy a bigger boat'? 
Somebody write that down! Make it into the 11th commandment or etch it onto somebody's grave or something!

I hope you all have a good rest-of-the-week!

In memory of Spartacus, today's song of the day is:

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