Sunday 25 March 2012

Make Your Own Fun- But Watch Out For Fairies With Leader-Complexes.

This weekend, the place in which I reside reached the average temperatures that we normally get in June. Some may blame this on Global Warming, but I think we should stop pointing fingers and just enjoy it whilst it lasts.

I have decided to Christen weekends such as this as 'make your own fun' weekends. This means to fill the day with stuff (preferably enjoyable stuff, but it's not exactly a necessity) that you can do by your self- fun made by you.

So yesterday I went out for a run.

I may need to reiterate this sentence for those who know me:
Yesterday I went outside and ran in short bursts, it was mostly a walk with intermittent moments of feeling sick. Is it normal to be able to taste yesterday's Garlic Bread after exercise? Well, I felt better for it anyway.

I also painted a poster, the bottom half of which looks like this:
'To The Lab' is a bit of an inside joke, I'm afraid.

I also made a broach which looks like this:

(If my brother asks, the felt isn't backed onto a piece of his old tweed jacket.)

Speaking of my brother, I went to see a play at his school which he is on the lighting team for. It was Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and it was truly fantastic. The ensemble were amazing- they were all the goblin and were dressed in white so when under the UV light they glowed. During the interval they ran around causing mischief- stealing people's drinks and untying shoelaces. The music was sort of fast techno, and there was a brilliant fight scene between the goblins tending to Oberon and those to Titania. It was done in dark, so all you could see was these glowing shapes writhing and twisting in the darkness. Puck was outstanding, his take on the character was very original and a lot darker than some of the interpretations you get nowadays. Puck is actually a very evil character, and the way the actor portrayed him was stunning, spine-chilling. And there was (what my mother referred to) as a 'Freudian-twist' to the end. Let's just say Oberon didn't make it through he entire final speech whilst Puck was around. The goblins have a new king and Titania didn't look that bothered... Lucky Puck...

I also bought some new clothes because retail therapy is the best kind. I find shopping a strange affair. The changing rooms is always a tricky one. 'Just two items then?' 'Well unless I'm hiding one in my trousers, then yes, two items.' Ah, English customer service.

My song of the day (is this a new thing? Should it be a thing?) is this:

I hope you all have a wonderful week to follow!


  1. Beautiful badge!
    And did I hear you say a RUN? (Well, obviously I didn't. What I meant was, "did I read the words a run coming from you?" -which wins clumsiest sentence of the year award, hence the reason I didn't say it - or even type it - in the first place.)
    Very lovely poster too. My brother went to see the play too, and said it was very good, but I couldn't go due to orchestra, making this the second thing I've sacrificed this weekend to play in a concert for about 10 minutes - although one of the oboists brought Scrabble, so that was fun XD
    Anyway, I hope the Mighty Clarinet Gods noticed. Always good to have an assortment of deities on your side, rather than relying on the Chicken Goddess (another inside joke, for anyone else bothering to read the comments) to get me into Heaven...

    1. You did indeed read the words a run coming from me XD

      And thankyou :) Shame, but those Oboists are crafty- winning you over with scrabble!

      I think the gods of turkey stir fry are about to descend upon me :) I am excited XD

    2. Did you enjoy your turkey stir-fry? It sounds very nice XD
      I decided to follow your example of exercise and went for a bike ride when I got in from school. it was good fun, if a bit tiring, and not as impressive as your run!
      My clarinet teacher happens to be the mother of the crafty oboist, and when I went in for my lesson yesterday, she said to me,
      "I hear you're a Scrabble champion!"
      Which is a bit strange, coming from your clarinet teacher.
      Did your History teacher appreciate the wonderful addition to your homework? Did she r4ecognise it as a scene from Blackadder?
